Tuesday, 22 November 2016

We won: On Nigel Farage, George W. Bush and "success"

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

So, I guess, it follows that these two images are worth two thousand words.

Nigel Farage claims to have won.

I would like to suggest that he is being more than a little premature.

Please Mr. Ambassador-Elect think of George W. Bush who, along with Tony Blair, "won" the Iraq War.

Bush, too, got ahead of himself.

Bush and Blair conducted an illegal war. They were the grandfathers of Islamic State in the Levant (ISIL), also known simply as "Islamic State".

Farage promoted what I believe to have been an unlawful Referendum (more about that in a later post).

Bush and Blair tapped into a primitive hatred of modern, interconnected life. ISIL was one result. Many thousands in Syria are still suffering from the results of the instability which Bush and Blair unleashed.

Will Farage's referendum unleash a Europe-wide politcal tide, likewise tapping into a primitive hatred of modern, interconnected life?

What will Farage-generated instability look like?

Will that Farage-generated tide have some resemblance to ISIL?

Will the Farage-generated tide resemble the populist tide in Germany in the 1930s?

I fear it might. But time will tell whether such fears are justified or not.

If Farage gets his unsavoury way I fear that many thousands will suffer greatly across the United Kingdom and thoughout much of the European Union.

That's why I feel that I must, and I hope others will, fight against The Brexit Madness.

My future dependds on fighting The Brexit Madness.

I think yours does too.

And, in all likelihood, the future of your children too.

Think about it.

And think about how you can join the fight against The Brexit Madness.

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