Monday, 28 November 2016

The "Instant Brexit" or "Nicola Sturgeon" Option

Be prepared to think outside the box herre.

Is there a way to square the circle and satisfy the demands of English Brexiteers and Scots who want to be independent and who want to remain in the European Union?

Conceptually, there is a very simple solution.

England (and Wales?) secede from the European Union.

The (rump) United Kingdom consisting of Scotland, Northern Ireland and possibly Wales remain as a Member State of the European Union.


Well, not really.

If, as I anticipate, the Brexit process becomes increasingly bogged down in legal complexities the "Instant Brexit" option might seem an increasingly attractive possibility rather than a fairly crazy thinking-outside-of-the-box suggestion.

England seceding from the United Kingdom avoids (at least in theory) the legal quagmire that is Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.

Imagine it, the SNP Members of Parliament cooperating with hard-line English Conservative Brexiteers to take us towards "Instant Brexit".

At this time of political turmoil I suggest you don't count out any possibility.

1 comment:

  1. You have a typo. Fairly sure you mean England should secede from the UK, not the EU.

    Hopefully this idea will gain some currency. England does not own the UK after all.’t-england-just-leave-the-uk
